
Since her debut novel, Stealing Beauty, in March 2017, Jessica has proven herself to be the newest up-and-coming (pun fully intended) romance author. Her accolades to date include the 2017 Golden Leaf Award (1st place, Erotic Romance, Stealing Beauty), 2017 Reality Bites Magazine Award (1st place, Best Fairy Tale, Stealing Beauty), 2017 Reality Bites Magazine Award (Finalist, Best Fairy Tale Author), 2018 International Digital Award (1st place, Erotic Novel, Finders Keepers), 2018 Enchanted Anthologies Award (1st Place, Best Fairy Tale, Finders Keepers), 2018 Passionate Plume Award (Finalist, Contemporary Novel, Stealing Beauty) and the 2019 Passionate Plume Award (Best BDSM Novel, Finders Keepers, Finalist – Winners announced July 2019).

She currently lives in New Jersey with her incredibly supportive husband (let’s be honest, he enjoys the *ahem* research *ahem* he gets to assist with) and the love of their life – their pitbull. In her free time, she enjoys watching horror movies, taking baths, playing old-school Nintendo on her computer, and appreciating life.

Jessica draws inspiration from her eclectic background: a licensed mental health therapist, a “sex and romance” consultant, an animal-rights advocate, and an avid lover of books have allowed her to create the realistic world for her characters.

In her Fairy Tales After Dark series, Jessica has combined classic characters with sizzling situations to create a world the reader wishes they were a part of. Alpha males, confident heroines, amazing friendships, and fan-worthy sex combine with enough tension to keep you on the edge of your panty-soaked seat all night long. Discover how each tale is rewritten into today’s world as the characters search for their happy ending – in more ways than one.

Desire… danger… and a whole lotta heat. These aren’t your childhood fairy tales!

Jessica’s other works include a number of other titles ranging from sweet to dark to paranormal romances and more!

She is also presenting a workshop at the October 2019 New Jersey Romance Writers Put Your Heart in a Book conference entitled “From Bodice-Ripping to Boring: Keeping Safe, Sane and Consensual…Sexy.”

Stealing Beauty
Best Fairy Tale Author
Stealing Beauty